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Who are our partners


To reach our goal we are in partnership  with our coordinating company ACTS12v24 and ACTS12v24 BIBLE COLLEGE as well as different facilitators for skills training.


ACTS12v24  supply ongoing coaching how to build a network of equipped self-sustained and financially and spiritually strong disciple-makers. This includes the effective use of a banking cell phone app.

This banking application will enable the student to

* manage his or her income and expenses as good stewards.

* buy and sell via eWallets

* have access to other virtual shops that support our vision and mission.

Teachings and understanding the Biblical principles of business and finances are included in this program.


ACTS12v24 BIBLE COLLEGE  uses programs and courses that are accredited by Theological Accreditation International (TAI). Study in your own time (distant learning) and at your own pace. Courses in Ministry varies from certificate in Ministry up to PhD.

Who are our partners: Who We Are
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